Monday 5 October 2015

Learning to Edit Using Premier Pro!

In the last two lessons of Media Studies i have learned how the following:

  • I have learned how to create a new project on Premier Pro.
  • I have learned how to import clips and audio in the Premier Pro and not to move the files after adding them to it.
  • I have learned how to navigate through video by using the left and right keypad and by scrubbing.
  • I have learned how to move a clip into my timeline, with or without it's audio.
  • I have learned how to trim with the razor tool for precise cuts between shots.
  • I have learned how to play the video in full screen to see any errors clearly, or for video viewing purposes.
  • I have learned how to add video transitions and effects to my project.
  • I have learned how render a video so it is ready for exporting.
  • I have learned how to export my project to my desktop.

Here is my test of using Premier Pro by making a short film from clips about a knock knock joke:

Thursday 1 October 2015

Planning : Mise-En-Scene : Location Planning

Shot one of our story board is an establishing shot showing the exterior of the school building. When we were scouting for a location we thought that this was a suitable location for the opening shot.

We thought that this corridor was suitable for our shot because it shows where billy is going to ask James about his coursework.

We thought that a classroom was a suitable place to for Billy to ask James about his piece of Btec PE Coursework.