Monday 4 January 2016

Construction : Producing A Shot List

The reason for shot listing is because you need to have an idea of what is going to happen within your opening and the order in which the shots happens. Shot listing allows you as a group to make choices about what is going to be done and when it is going to be filmed, so it can be effective for our target audience which is teenagers. 

Sunday 3 January 2016

Construction : Considering Mise-en-scene - Costume And Props

Mise-en-scene is literally the 'what is in the shot' and it is everything that appears on the screen in a single frame. The advantage of this is to help the audience decode what is going on in the specific scene.

The following image is from the film 'The Woman in Black':

The 'Mise-en-scene" in this scene would be the dull, shadowy lighting, the old fashioned children toys in the dark corners in the room, as if they were exiled from the scene and the lack of colour.

When decoded by the audience, they get an impression that the nursery is a lonely room and, judging by the spider webs on the window, has not been occupied in a very long time. This is an excellent scene for a horror film because it brings tension as to the thought of a haunted house, bearing in mind it was locked from the inside.

For our scene we will be using a range of props including some small, workshop tools, a piece of paper with writing on, pictures of the old bullies in his life and a board with the proposed plan of action on it. The tools will give the realisation to members of a middle or even lower-class society that anyone is capable of inflicting danger to others. The plans on the board will show that this was planned and the sheers size and detail will give little doubt to the result of this act of terror.

The costume Billy (the main character) will wear consists of all black, hoodie, gloves, tracksuit bottoms and black trainers. The all black image will give the main character a mysterious and creepy look adding to the suspense the opening brings to the viewers. We will film our opening in daylight.

Craig (Billy) will be wearing these type of clothes. Skinny tracksuit bottoms and a all black hoodie. These clothing are suitable for our film as we don’t want any of the clothing to stand out, we just want to plain so they can focus more on what's going on not what he’s wearing.


The props 
In the opening to our film we will use some props such as this note pad to create the effect that Billy is creating a plan and that it makes sense to the audience who watch the clip. We also used a hammer and two petrol cans. They are essential for our opening as we are trying to set a feeling of fear this props will create this feeling. 

Saturday 2 January 2016

Construction : Casting For Your Opening

Billy ,aged 17, who has been bullied through out the most of his school life, hasn’t got a job and has a small house. We have decided to appoint Craig Burton as Billy for our film because we think he is a suitable person as he is committed and he is reliable. He is confidant in front of a camera for the film because he is almost the same age as Billy and is enthusiastic when acting. Craig also done GCSE Drama and got a B which shows he is confident in front of the camera and can follow his lines. Casting is very important because we needed to get the right actor of our choice to play in our 2 minute opening because we need to make sure that they can be reliable and be at the filming at the right time. Casting is also important because we need to make sure that the actor can act and look comfortable in front of the camera.

Friday 1 January 2016

Construction: Location Planning

Location planning is a very important part of the pre-production process for the opening to  'The Revenge'.

It is vital that we establish which locations will be needed for our filming and to then scout alternatives in order to decide which will provide the best shooting location for us.

Our film opening will need 4 locations to be scouted. These are as follows:

1. Exterior location. This is the outside of the house, in the back garden of the main character, Billy's house.
2. Exterior location. This will be in the garden of billy's house. Someone will behind a tree filming billy watching what he is doing.
3. Interior location. This will be in the kitchen of billy's house. We won't be showing the kitchen is this scene as we just need the wall.

We have decided the location for our film will be set at 10 Elliot close in our local town. We have picked this certain location because it contains the necessary equipment needed. For example there is a skip present which is essential for the background of the film. We also have permission to film here because the house also happens to be the director's (Ryan Loasby's) house. This also means it is very accessible and increases the amount of quality filming. Filming this in a rural, well populated, family area gives the viewer the idea that even people who have been brought up in a safe environment could be venerable to danger at any time without them knowing it. 

Construction : Producing A Story Board

This is the story board we have made to help us with the filming process. We have different story boards which lets us know who needs to be in the scene, where we are going to be filming it, who is going to be in the scene and the dialogue that is going to be in the scene this is because it would give us a clear idea of what shot would take place next, in addition to this we could visually see what would need to happen in the shot with a brief drawing so we could see clearly what was going to happen next, giving the directors and the actor a better understanding of what should take place. Overall this was really important because it would make our group able to function more and with ease because we all knew what was going to happen next.

Construction: Target audience Feedback

We have made a survey on survey monkey and have got the results below. We had people in our target audience for our film answer the questions. Our survey had a variety of responses which gave us a better idea on how to improve our film.