Saturday 9 April 2016

Evidence Of Editing

the first screen shot shows our first edit of the opening.

we had to adjust the continuity as it was not correct because he was standing still when he should have been walking.

This screen shot shows me erasing part of the clip that we didn’t need anymore.

The continuity wasn’t correct in this shot so we took out this clip and replaced this with a title.

We cut the start of this clip as the continuity as it wasn’t following from the previous clip.

We had to re-order some of the shots so the match on action was correct. we moved the two clips of Billy at the book so they was following on from each other instead of them being at the start and the end of the clip, as there was no way from him to get back to the book.

We added a title showing the directors name. This is the most important name of the film.

We changed the length of the titles from 5 seconds to 3 seconds because they were too long and it increased the time over our target for the film opening.

We moved the titles for the main character from the middle to the top left.

Then we added the name of the second actor which we also moved but this time to the bottom right.

We then added another title named music and the name of the composer of the music, however the music was in a smaller font than the name so the nam stands out to the audience.

This screenshot shows what the title will look like during our film opening.

This shows that we have exported our clip however is it without sound at the moment.

Video of The Revenge (no audio)

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