Thursday 31 December 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

We as a group were asked to create a continuity task which involves a character opening a door and crossing a room to ask another character 4 lines of dialogue. In this task there should be match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180o rule.

As a group we made a story board so that when we were filming we knew what we were doing and we had to do the 12 shot challenge. We had to do location planning so we kew where the shot were going to be and we also had to take pictures of them and apply them to our blogs and say why they were suitable locations to film in our clip.

We started by agreeing a time for use to film. Me and my group started filming and we found out that we couldn't use the room we planned to use because there was a lesson being taught in there. However w finished the filming in 50 minutes ready for us to edit.

For the editing we used Adobe Premier Pro, everyone in our group had to edit so we all had our own. We all had the same clips but we had to edit our own. I imported all the clips and then I had recored into premier pro. I trimmed all the clips to the sections that were needed (removing any blank bits of video and or audio) I muted any unnecessary noises from certain shots. I scaled my whole work area to scale to frame size, this allowed the the video from the scene to fit to the size of the screen.

Our preliminary task went okay but a few issues occurred such as we had to change rooms because there was a lesson being taught in that room we wanted to film in. We had a few sound problems because it wasn't very clear. We used each camera angle effectively. We used shot/reverse shot and the 180o rule effectively in our preliminary task. One of our weaknesses was our match on action because it wasn't as good as we wanted it to be. To improve we need to make sure our match on action is properly used effectively.

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