Saturday 26 December 2015

Research : Codes and Conventions In Horror Films


Codes are system of signs which create different meanings. codes can and are usually divided in two categories which are technical and symbolic. Technical codes are all the different ways in which the equipment is used to tell the story in the media text. Such as; The camera work when filming, The editing process and the use of sound (diegetic and non-diegetic). Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. These are usually shown through mise-en-scene. the characters actions when filming sows you how the character is feeling inn that scene.


Conventions are things that are common in certain based on what their genre it is in. For example in horror films some conventions are where two characters are in the middle of nowhere and can't escape or get help when in danger and also when a character is being chased in a house they run past the door that is unlocked and go upstairs where they are trapped, or someone trips over when they are being chased and get killed.

For example Western films usually have have a good guy and a bad guy to resemble the good from the bad, the costumes of the characters depict them from each other and give the audience an understanding of who they are. for example: the good guy will wear appropriate and sensible clothes on the other hand the villain might wear inappropriate clothing and will be usually dark colours.

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