Saturday 26 December 2015

Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

The first thing we had to do was watch a few opening titles  from the website "Art Of The Titles". I then watched the opening credits to Se7en and when watching this I had to stop every time a new title came up and I paused the video and wrote the time of when it was on the screen and then wrote the title in the format it is presented in. I then watched the opening again but this time without sound this was so I could write down all the visual elements of the opening. I then had to watch it over again but this time I did not watch the opening I just had to listen and write down all of the sounds I could hear. Then lastly I watched the opening for a final time and looked at the typography of how the titles came up. This research helped produce a more effective film opening because it gave us an example of a horror film opening which gave us inspiration when we were planning our own opening. It also gave us an understanding on the hard work that we are going to have to put into this to get it to the correct quality.

This is the opening titles from the film Se7en.

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